Simple but subtle designs
While these look like regular notebooks you can find on your colleague’s desk or at a community centre, Custom Notebook with Pen will surprise you with their simple yet clever design choices.
Firstly, it has a clear, transparent cover, allowing you to see whatever is written on the first page of the notebook. Just like how you would pick between types of storage boxes, the solid colours may look nicer on the outside, but it’s always easier to see the contents inside with a translucent box, enabling faster decision-making and clearer planning of what you would like to put inside or take out of the box. This logic applies to the notebook at hand.
As you open the notebook, you’ll realise there is another layer of cover on it, acting as a binder that works together with the pen, which is also working as a clasp, to keep the notebook close. This design makes use of the unique placement of the pen to hold the layers of the cover down and ensure the pages don’t fold or have anything fall or seep into them.
A notebook for right handlers (NB08)
A notebook for left handlers (NB09)
Comfortable for left-handed and right-handed
Custom Notebook with Pen has two types of designs that come with it, namely NB08 and NB09. NB08 shares the silhouette of many notebooks, however, with the special touch of a pen and two layers of cover. NB09 is designed with left-handers in mind/ The wire binding is on the right side of the notebook, which allows it to be comfortable for left-handers to write in.
All in all, this notebook is meant to make writing accessible for everyone, be it left-handed or right-handed. Companies that specialise in niche markets or work closely with left-handed people will want to consider these notebooks for their branding.
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Far more interested in other kinds of notebooks? Don’t worry! TREA has a large volume of custom notebook printings for you to sift through!